Matt Stout is a partner in Bricker Graydon's Public Finance group and practices in the areas of public finance and public law, emphasizing school and local government law. He assists and advises with the documentation and issuance of general obligation and revenue bond transactions for municipalities, school districts, and other political subdivisions; assists and advises municipalities, school districts, and other political subdivisions with tax-exempt lease purchase financings; and provides general counsel assistance to political subdivisions.
For additional ways to contact Matt Stout, you can reach his assistant Amy Garcia at 614.227.4903 or by email.
Industries & Practices
The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law (J.D., 1999)
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business (M.B.A., 1999)
University of Michigan Business School (B.B.A. with distinction, 1995); Wrestling Captain and three-time letter winner
Professional Activities
Board member and past president, University of Michigan Alumni Club of Central Ohio, 2000-present
President, Upper Arlington Education Foundation, 2015-2016; member since 2012
Trustee, Ohio Government & Finance Officers Association, 2012-2018
Member, Education Committee, Ohio Government & Finance Officers Association, 2007-present
Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers
Head Wrestling Coach, Upper Arlington High School, 2011-present
Public Address Announcer, University of Michigan Wrestling, 1995-present
Coach, Upper Arlington Athletic Association Youth Football, 2000-2010
Graduate, City of Upper Arlington Leadership Program
Internal Press Box Announcer, University of Michigan Football
Board Member, Upper Arlington City Schools Business Advisory Council
Director, Upper Arlington Mat Cubs Wrestling Program for youths grades one through six, 1999-2011
Co-Chair, Columbus Bar Association Rebuilding Columbus Together Project, 2002-2003
Presentations & Publications
Speaking Engagements

- Member, Columbus Bar Association